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Chugach Trophy Dall Sheep Hunt $31,000.00
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This is an amazing hunt for some of the biggest dall sheep in Alaska. This is a draw hunt and this outfitter specializes in Units 13 and 14. If interested in this hunt, please reach out to your Adventure Advisor or our home office about the application process. This is a 14 day 1:1 fully guided hunt. This outfitter guides for Dall sheep in the famous 14C and 13D units of the majestic and beautiful Chugach Mountains. These mountains are some of the steepest and most rugged sheep habitat in the world. They are also home to some of the largest and heaviest horned Dall rams in North America. This outfitter has hunted and guided in these mountains since 1991. Within these areas, they know every nook and cranny where the big rams live, and know how to access them. They have had hunters range from young teenagers to veterans in their 70s, and they have maintained a success rate of over 95%. By hunting and scouting these areas annually, they have watched some of the big rams grow up into real monsters over a 4 or 5 year period. There are big 40 inch plus rams here every year. As of the end of 2016, they have taken 168 sheep hunters over 24 years, with only six not harvesting rams. They have taken 12 rams that make the all time Boone & Crockett Record Book. All of their guides have years of experience with us in these mountains. They are very easy going and get along with everyone. They all have very positive attitudes and will work tirelessly to make sure that your hunt for one of these great rams is one of the most enjoyable, successful and memorable hunts of your life. We will be thoroughly prepared and always willing to go the extra mile for you!
- Species: Dall Sheep
- Average Classification: 35 - 40
- Shot Opportunity: 85
- Weapons: Rifle, Archery
- Hunt Catalog #: RB19709-01
- Tag Availability: Draw
Available Dates
August 09, 2025 - October 09, 2025
- Member Price: $28,000.00
- Non-Member Price: $31,000.00
Hunt will need to be paid in full 90 days before the first hunt date.
Group Options
Option for a non-hunter.
Chugash, Alaska, United States of America
Refund Policy:
28k goat 145k
UNIT 14 C RIFLE HUNTS: This outfitter has taken 6 rams from 14C that make the all time Boone and Crockett Record Book. This unit is primarily within Chugach State Park but also includes some adjoining state land. All hunts in Chugach State Park are back pack only, with no aircraft allowed. The outfitter can access one hunt area in 14C with aircraft because it is on state land outside of the park. There are 4 areas that offer rifle hunts for non-residents, and there are 8 different hunt periods in these areas. Each rifle hunt in 14C is only 13 days long. The hunt periods are Aug. 10 to Aug. 22, Aug. 23 to Sept. 4, and Sept. 5 to Sept. 17. Hunters will have to hike in from 5 to 20 miles to get to where the rams are in these 14C backpack hunts. They can be physically demanding, and hunters need to be in the best physical condition possible. With the draw results coming out in mid-February each year, these lucky draw winners have at least 6 months to get in sheep shape. UNIT 14C ARCHERY ONLY HUNTS: There are two hunts in 14C that are archery only, and by drawing permit. Hunter must have completed a certified International Bowhunters Education Program (IBEP) course to apply for these hunts. Most states offer certified IBEP courses. The first archery only hunt is in the Eklutna drainage. It starts the day after Labor Day and runs until Sept. 30th. This is strictly an archery hunting area that never allows rifle hunting of any kind. The second archery hunt is an area wide hunt that includes most of the rifle areas. It is always open Oct. 1st to Oct. 10th. The Eklutna hunt is a smaller area and hunters will encounter other hunters there, but it has some very good rams in it. The area wide late archery hunt is good because hunters can hunt almost anywhere in 14C, but also have a higher likelihood of being plagued by bad weather. These archery hunts are any ram hunts, and hunters will probably see multiple Pope and Young rams. Most hunters will probably have a shot opportunity. UNIT 13D HUNTS: The 13D unit is in the heart of the Chugach range. It is over 100 miles long and 21 miles wide, which amounts to over 2,100 square miles of actual sheep habitat. There are 2 draw areas in this unit, and the season in each runs from Aug . 10 to Sept. 20th. One area has “full curl” restrictions, and the other is “any ram”. This area also produces big, heavy horned rams every year. This outfitter has taken 5 rams out of 13D that make the all time Boone and Crockett Record Book. There is no aircraft access restriction in this area. This outfitter lands on glaciers, ridge tops, sand bars, lakes and bush strips, and they generally don’t have to backpack our spike camps far from where we land.
HuntX Scale (Low 1 - 5 High)
- Lodging & Accommodations: Backpack Tent?
Lodging & Accommodations Scale
5 - Cabin/Lodge
4 - Bunk House/Trailer
3 - Wall Tent
2 - Backpack Tent
1 - Client Provided/Hotel
Hunter will be staying in a backpacking tent for this hunt. Depending on where rams are found will determine where hunter will be camping. Sometimes outfitter may land on a glacier, and you will camp where they land.
- Menu & Food: Backpack Food?
Menu & Food Scale
5 - 5 Star Catered
4 - Full Kitchen
3 - Field Kitchen
2 - Backpack Food
1 - Client Provided
Hunter will be served dehydrated meals and snacks for this hunt. Hunter should be prepared for truly a backpacking hunt.
- Physical Conditions: Heavy Hiking?
Physical Conditions Scale:
5 - All Vehicle Access
4 - Light Hiking
3 - Moderate Hiking
2 - Heavy Hiking
1 - Extreme Back Country
For unit 14C hunts, hunters will have to hike in from 5 to 20 miles to get to where the rams are in these 14C backpack hunts. They can be physically demanding, and the outfitter needs hunters to be in the best physical condition possible. For unit 13D hunts, there is no aircraft access restriction in this area. I land on glaciers, ridge tops, sand bars, lakes and bush strips, and hunter will generally not have to backpack our spike camps far from where they land. Hunters should be prepared for a traditional backcountry sheep hunt for these hunts. Better physically fit hunters will have better shot opportunity. Normally can get pretty close with the airplane. Hike 3000 foot climb at the most. Very rugged country. Can't be scared of heights. Outfitter will supply some ropes and climbing gear if necessary.
Transportation (To/From Basecamp)
Fly into Anchorage. Outfitter will pick up clients at the airport and transfer them to the airstrip. Field airstrip is approximately 150 miles from the Anchorage Airport so an early flight into Anchorage is preferred. All field flights are included in the hunt price and outfitter will be flying all the clients in.
- Lodging & Accommodations
- Menu & Food
- Physical Conditions
Hunt dates are through August into mid to late September. Hunter should be prepared for a backcountry and challenging hunt as these mountains are large and steep. Thermal base layers and good durable hiking boots are a must. Hunts in the Chugash are very rugged. Hunter will need to bring cramp-ons and outfitter will supply ropes if needed during the hunt. Hunter cannot be afraid of heights for this hunt. Hunter should be prepared for a traditional backcountry Alaska sheep hunt. Full gear list to be provided if requested when booked.
What Outfitter Provides
- Meals
- Expert Guide Service
- Ropes
- All field Transportation
- Backpacking Tent
What to Bring
- Thermal Base Layers
- Sleeping Bag
- Backpack
- Rifle with 40 rounds of ammunition
- Durable & Comfortable hiking boots
- Binoculars & Rangefinder
- Gaiters
- Moderate to Cold Weather hunting clothing-layering system recommended
- Hunting Hat & Gloves
- Cramp-ons
Recommended Items
- 20 Quart Badlands Cooler
- 45 Quart Badlands Cooler
- Mountain Extreme Men's
- RBO Precision Academy I - South Dakota
- What Outfitter Provides
- What to Bring