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Opportunity for a hunt of a lifetime in the heart of Nunavut. With an outfitter that provides an amazing 1:1 guided 5 day hunting experiences and produces Boone and Crocket caliber Muskox every year, this is a hunt you won't want to miss. Outfitter provides meals and lodging. This Musk Ox hunt is based out of Nunavut which is roughly 1600 kilometers north of Winnipeg Manitoba. In the early fall will find the animals near the lake and along the rivers as they herd up for the Musk Ox rut. This area is virtually un-hunted. Even with our close proximity to the community, these animals are not generally targeted by local hunters. This has led our hunters to enjoy a 100% success for the past 7 years. On average, well over 80% of the animals taken by hunters with will meet or exceed the Boone & Crockett minimum score.
- Species: Canada Muskox
- Average Classification: 105 - 115
- Shot Opportunity: 95
- Weapons: Rifle, Archery
- Hunt Catalog #: RB21109-02
- Tag Availability: Landowner Voucher
Boone and Crocket muskox taken every year.
Outfitter recommends a .7mm-.308 caliber rifle for hunt. Rifle hunters should be prepared for shots up to 500 yards. Archery hunters should be proficient to 50-60 yards.
Available Dates
March 31, 2023 - April 30, 2025
- Member Price: $15,995.00
- Non-Member Price: $16,995.00
- Special Deal: $15,495.00
1 Spot Available April 2-6, 2025 Spots available for 2026, prices will increase by $500.
Group Options
Option to add wolverine. Option to add wolf. Option to add non-hunter.
Nunavut, Manitoba, Canada
Refund Policy:
Deposits are not refundable. When you make a deposit or payment that money is used to reserve your adventure dates and we cannot sell them to anyone else. If for some reason you have to cancel, you will lose your deposit and any payments you have made. If you are concerned that you might get sick or otherwise have to cancel, we suggest buying trip insurance. There are insurance companies that specialize in providing insurance policies for outfitter bookings and hunts. One such company we recommend is It is also our policy, depending on the adventure you booked and at our discretion, that if you have to cancel and we are able to book a replacement for you at the regular price we will work with you to apply your deposits to another adventure. Please note that we cannot refund or roll state or government license fees, application fees, draw results, or tags.
Amazing opportunity to take a trophy Muskox on a 5 day hunt in the heart of Nunavut. This is a 1:1 guided hunt out of a great outfitter. This area is virtually un-hunted. Even with the close proximity to the community, these animals are not generally targeted by local hunters. This has led our hunters to enjoy a 100% success for the past 7 years. On average, well over 80% of the animals taken by hunters will meet or exceed the Boone & Crockett minimum score. During this time of year, the Muskox “coat” is at it’s absolute best. Full, thick and very clean. They have survived another Canadian Arctic winter with its extreme cold and bitter winds. This hunt is based out of a comfortable lodge and you will access the Musk Ox on our spring hunts by using snow machines to access the areas being used by Musk Ox. Once in the general area, we will glass to locate the herd’s and then move in to field judge them. If an exceptional animal is spotted, the hunter and guide will then stalk in, hopefully getting close enough for a clean shot at the target bull. Most groups of Musk Ox will have several trophy bulls in their midst .We hunt where the animals are, moving constantly until all our hunters are successful in the quest to harvest these amazing creatures. We will travel if necessary up to 80-100 miles in search of the game you seek. We will have smaller boats along to access the shore and also quads available to pursue game further inland or assist in the carry out of harvested game. Every aspect of this hunt is completely detailed and nothing left to chance. Animals at this time of year will be concentrated in near water or one of the large rivers feeding or draining into the lake or inland areas that we access via a service road. The hunter and guide will travel to traditional Musk Ox areas and glass for groups of Musk Ox. This time of year, the rut is on and most groups will have a dominant bull that will be larger than other members of the herd. Once the animal is located and it is determined stalk-worthy, the hunter and guide will move in. With bulls competing for breeding rights, along with the favorable foliage and terrain, this hunt will be conducive for fair chase bow hunting opportunities. There is absolutely no one in the western Arctic that has more knowledge of the land and animal behavior than our guides. You are with the best. Each hunter will have an assigned guide for the duration of the hunt. Once the animal is down, the guide will field prep your trophy and meat per your instruction. Capes, horns and meat will be brought back to camp to be cooled.
HuntX Scale (Low 1 - 5 High)
- Lodging & Accommodations: Cabin/Lodge?
Lodging & Accommodations Scale
5 - Cabin/Lodge
4 - Bunk House/Trailer
3 - Wall Tent
2 - Backpack Tent
1 - Client Provided/Hotel
Very nice lodge with lots of space and a home like feel.
- Menu & Food: Full Kitchen?
Menu & Food Scale
5 - 5 Star Catered
4 - Full Kitchen
3 - Field Kitchen
2 - Backpack Food
1 - Client Provided
Nourishing meals provided by outfitter.
- Physical Conditions: Moderate Hiking?
Physical Conditions Scale:
5 - All Vehicle Access
4 - Light Hiking
3 - Moderate Hiking
2 - Heavy Hiking
1 - Extreme Back Country
May travel up to 80-100 miles per day via snowmachine searching for a trophy animal.
Transportation (To/From Basecamp)
Hunters and guides will have access to snow machines to/from basecamp. Hunters are responsible for flights to Winnipeg, MB. From there, the outfitter will have your charter flights scheduled to Rankin Inlet where you will be met by a member of their team. The charter flights are included in the price of the hunt.
- Lodging & Accommodations
- Menu & Food
- Physical Conditions
This is a remote hunt. As such, all guests are restricted to 50 lb of combined baggage. This weight also includes your gun or bow. We insist on the use of one large duffel bag, or 2 small ones. Please avoid the use of a hard sided suitcase. While traveling (commercial air) all firearms must be transported in a lockable hard sided gun case. During the trip to the lodge a soft case is preferred for your bow or firearm.
What Outfitter Provides
- Taxidermy
- Transportation to and from lodge
- Meat Processing
What to Bring
- Shooting/Walking Sticks
- Waterproof Daypack
- Polarized Sunglasses
- 1 Blaze Orange Vest
- 1 pair insulated high rubber boots
- Insulated top and bottom base layer
- Warm insulated camo coat with a wind and waterproof protectant
- Binoculars and range finder
- Waterproof and insulated gloves
- 1 blaze orange hunting cap
- 1 pair waterproof hiking boots
- Insulated camo pants
Recommended Items
- 20 Quart Badlands Cooler
- 45 Quart Badlands Cooler
- Mountain Extreme Men's
- RBO Precision Academy I - South Dakota
- What Outfitter Provides
- What to Bring